Thursday 11 April 2013

Musical Meanderings

I've never been a huge music person--usually, I prefer silence in which to work. But with my current work-in-progress, I'm in the outlining stage, and I've found myself listening to various movie soundtracks while scanning Pinterest or drawing out characters. Here are just a few of the soundtracks that have inspired me. What music do you listen to for inspiration, readers? Or if you don't listen to music, what other things do you do to find that perfect idea?

So pretty much epic-ness for me all around, though what I love about soundtracks such as these is that the intense moments are so well-balanced with the more somber, intimate scenes. Therefore, my life the past week has been going along to epic movie soundtracks. Pretty awesome.


  1. Oooooooo, I LOVE listening to music for inspiration.

    "Snow White and the Huntsman" and "The Chronicles of Narnia" are also some of my favorites.

    I like the "Stardust" song. I've never heard any of that music before. Did you watch the movie? Was it any good?

    For myself, my music ranges all over according to my cultures, but I think you might enjoy:

    "Flow Like Water" (The Last Airbender)

    "Obliviate" (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1) I've never watched any of those movies, but I finally decided to try out the music.

    "Statues" and "The Resurrection Stone" (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2)

    "Faerie Dance" (Peter Pan) I'm not talking about the Disney classic, but the new human version with music by James Newton Howard

    "Thor" also has some pretty good music.

  2. Oh, I'll have to check some of that music out! And I love the movie Stardust, though it is definitely for a more mature audience; it's got quite a bit of violence and some innuendo, but it's a fantastical journey and a beautiful love story. It sort of reminds me of The Princess Bride, The Last Unicorn, and LOTR sort of mashed together. :)


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